At the beginning of each month we will post it like this...
Welcome to TOThood...
these little ones are turning 1 year old this month!
Happy 2nd Birthday...
these tots are celebrating 2 years of life this month!
Happy 3rd Birthday...
these tots are celebrating 3 years of life this month!
Farewell to these tots...
they will be turning 4 this month!
If you would like to share your tot, please email the following to CarisaAtTotallyTots @
- Your tot's name, or bloggy name
- Your blog address, if you would like it linked up
- Your tot's birth month (their actual birth date will not be posted), and the AGE your tot will be turning.
- Optional-a photo of the birthday tot! If you'd like to include a photo, just send the full sized jpeg as an attachment, we will crop, and edit.
- In the subject line please write: My Tot is turning _(age)_ in __(month)__
You can send your tot in earlier than their month, I will just sort them when I get them. I will also post a final reminder the week before I post the feature for the month.
We look forward to celebrating our tots each month!
hi! i'm sending you an email for my son's bday in april!!
I just sent you one for Jasper :)
I have sent you a letter about my tot some weeks ago and also my URL and pictures for my ocean craft, my farm lapbook's URL but it seems that you never post my things, or you don't receive them. Weird.
Eszter, I have never received any emails from you, so they must not be coming through. I also tried to email you back but your email is not enabled so I don't have it.
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