This is the song that is playing continually through my head! It’s not about snow or Santa Clause; it’s not about elves or a little baby in a manger. It’s a fairly simple song, yet it says so much!
This is the full grown Christ we worship and Adore, the Resurrected One, The Living One.
To adore means to worship with GREAT and ALL-Consuming Love! Please don’t forget to send your adoration straight up to heaven this Christmas! I think it’s easy to get our adoration misplaced this time of year. Of course we love the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas. Of course we love giving our little ones gifts and seeing the joy on their faces. Of course we love to read the Christmas Story and to watch those special once a year movies. We love the snow, the peppermint mocha’s and seasonal music. But the heart of Christmas is all about Adoration. Adoring the One who came, who died, and who rose again!
Let your hearts be filled with Love for our Risen King! All Glory and Honor and Adoration belong to Him!