

Monday, July 16, 2012

Number Punch~Simply Made

I don't know about your little one, but my son is in the stage where he thinks he is big enough to use grown-up tools. I'm guessing that if your tot is anything like mine, then you are nodding in agreement right about now. Another thing I've noticed about little ones is that they love office supplies. Using both of these things together, I came up with an activity that you could pull together very easily. Chances are you probably have everything you need at home!

You will need:

Fold your paper. I folded mine into eighths, but you could do something different. Cut the paper on the folds.

Write numbers that your child knows or that they need to practice.

Let your tot punch the correct number of holes.

They might need your help to hold the paper steady. This activity will help your tot strengthen the hand muscles they need for writing.

  • Pull out your old scrapbook punches and let them punch different shapes. If you end up with too many punched pieces, put the extras in the collage box.