

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Now I Know My ABC's ~ Z is for Zebra

It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!

Next week we’ll be starting another round of alphabet crafts ~ but this time with lowercase letters, so stay tuned!


What Do Zebra's Do? ~ Tick Tock Books

Summary: The illustrations alone are adorable in this book. Learn about what zebras do, what they eat, and more.

 z zebra craft

What You’ll Need:

  • Black and white foam or construction paper
  • Pencil {to outline}
  • Scissors
  • Googly eye
  • Glue

zebra craft

How to Make the ‘Z” Zebra:

  1. Trace and cut an uppercase ‘Z’ out of the white foam sheet or construction paper. I used a foam sheet that was about 4" x 5" in size.
  2. Using the black foam, cut out a piece that can be used as the zebra’s mane. Use your scissors to ‘fringe’ the edge of the black foam, making it look more like hair.
  3. Use the excess white foam to cut out two ears for the zebra.
  4. Cut thin strips from the black foam to use as stripes for your zebra.
  5. Glue the mane onto your zebra. Add his ears.
  6. Add the black foam stripes to your zebra. Trim off any excess that hangs over the edge.
  7. Glue on your zebra’s eye and draw on a little nose and mouth.