

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Now I Know My ABC’s ~ Y is for Yak

It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!


There’s a Yak in My Bed! by K. Pluta

Summary: Ted goes upstairs ~ only to find a yak in his bed! How will he get the yak out?

 Yak Craft

What You’ll Need:

  • Dark and light brown foam sheet/construction paper 

  • Pencil {to outline}

  • Scissors

  • Brown yarn

  • Googly eyes

  • Glue


How to Make the ‘Y’ for Yak:

  1. Trace and cut an uppercase ‘y’ out of the dark brown foam sheet or construction paper. I used a smaller piece of a foam sheet that was about 4" x 2.5" in size.

  2. Using the light brown foam, cut out a face for your yak and two horns for the top of his head.short bones.

  3. Have your little one help you snip yarn in two different lengths. I cut shorter pieces for the yak’s beard and longer pieces for the hair on the top of his head.

  4. Glue the ‘Y’ onto the yak’s face. Add the horns and hair and eyes.

  5. Read the book again with your little one!