It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!
Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney
Summary: Your little one with have fun with this book and learn about skin, bones, muscles, brain, blood and more. The little girl describes how muscles ‘stretch like rubber bands’ and more!
This x-ray version is great because you can put it together a few different ways, depending on your mood. :)
What You’ll Need:
- Black and white foam sheet/construction paper
- Pencil {to outline}
- Scissors
How to Make the ‘X’ for X-ray:
- Trace and cut an uppercase ‘X’ out of the black foam sheet or construction paper. I used a smaller piece of a foam sheet that was about 4" x 2.5" in size.
- Using the white foam, cut out four short bones. Quick hint: if you cut the ends like you are cutting out a heart, it helps a lot!
- Glue the bones in an ‘X’ shape on top of the black letter ‘X’.
- Have fun reading the book again with your little one!