Parenting 9 children is a blessing, challenging, fun, exciting, never boring and some days down right HARD!
As I have shared with you our family is focusing on LOVE IS AN ACTION WORD!
We are reading and studying the epistles of John over and over again with my husband each night.
I am reading and studying through Romans.
Each morning after breakfast I have begun to do our morning bible study again. It has been way too long since we have done this before our day begins. Yes we sing praise songs daily, learn bible verses together and have nightly bible study under Scott’s teaching…and then God impressed upon my heart to begin our day together in His word.
I didn’t realize how much I needed this time with the children or how much they needed it with me – really HIM! The children are so excited to sit together after breakfast to read the Word together and I wake up excited to do it with them.
They all have their bibles next to them at breakfast ready and waiting for us to begin.
We talked for a while lately about sin knocking at the door of their hearts and minds all day long – that they have a choice – either to be a friend or foe to each other and God.
They must choose to walk with God or alone each day.
They must choose to ask the Holy Spirit to lead their day or allow their desires to rule the day.
During a recent bible study I was reminded that I am laying seeds and watering them daily and that I may not see the fruit or harvest from the kind of training we are doing for years. That does discourage me some days and I must remember they are His first and He is faithful – that everything of Him we pour in will NOT return void!
We have a few children that are seriously CHOOSING to walk in their sins all day long. We have a few children that are whining more than this mommy can stand to listen to. We have a few children that would rather be corrected than obey. We have a few children that can’t help but use their mouths to sin against each other – being bossy, mean, tattle telling and lie.
You see the problem is not whether or not they know the rules or what is right from wrong – they all know our house rules and it hangs in our kitchen!
Again, I explained to them it is a choice whether or not they live by them. They have the power to have victory over sin – the Holy Spirit is in them. They all have the freedom from sin and the bondage to it – Jesus paid the price for their sins!
And so I prayed for God to rule and reign in our hearts and home today. That we as a family will choose to do it God’s way and not our own. It is a daily choice to live out Romans 12:1-2. I pray that I as I seek to do it – our children will in turn follow after me. I pray that they see me do what I say and teach – more and more each day.
Choosing to walk in His ways!