

Monday, January 9, 2012

Now I Know My ABCs ~ Letter A

abcI am excited to share a new set of ABC activities with you this year, all based around animals!  I have created a set of free printables that will be shared one by one every other week throughout this year.

Each printable set will include a large upper case letter to print, a cut and glue craft, flashcards, and a set of fun extras in case your tot is like mine and can’t get enough!  I will also recommend books to go along if you want to expand the on the animal for the letter.  This is a fun and easy way to bring tons of science fun in for your tot too!

This series was designed for my daughter who will be 3 in April.  A younger or older child could easily enjoy these too! 

We personally are not moving through the letters on any specific schedule.  I will be moving on when she gets bored with a certain letter and introduce a new one.  She knows her letters so this set is more for the animal fun and the extra practice on basic skills. You can see more details in my upcoming weekly Tot School posts where I will share more about her in action.

Animal ABC Button

All printables for this unit ~ Letter A ~ can be downloaded for free on my website, Animal ABCs.


a alligator

Aa Alligator Extras…

Aa Alligator Extras

Aa Alligator in ActionIMG_9455

She loves the notebook format, similar to her Tot Time Notebook, so I am putting her “extras” in a notebook for her.

IMG_9467 IMG_9470 

We did the craft all together, her cutting the gray lines with my help, then using watercolors to paint her letter A while I trimmed out the rest of the alligators. 

IMG_9518 IMG_9519

We let it dry {then I cut out the A} and later glued down the alligators on the letter and the letter onto paper. IMG_9531

She absolutely loved the end result and just wanted to hold it and stare at it!IMG_9535

Have more alligator fun

More Letter Aa Fun…

Download Animal ABCs ~ Letter A ~ for free her

Signature button Carisa