- Read Our Mission and make sure your beliefs and blog jive with ours. If so, then read on...
- Email your exact link to us (CarisaAtTotallyTots @ gmail.com), with the subject line written like this: "Crafty Corner: __(write short description of craft)___from ___(your name/or blog name)___...Like This: "Crafty Corner: Ladybugs from Carisa/ 1+1+1=1"
- We are looking for crafts that are appropriate for tots, between the ages of 12 and 47 months. If you state in your blog post how old your tot was when you did the craft, that is an added bonus for readers--it helps them decide if the craft might be appropriate for their tots.
- As for the themes of the crafts, we're always looking for crafts to compliment our Once Upon a Book monthly theme, or our Bible Bites monthly theme. You can see lists of current and upcoming themes here on our website: Once Upon a Book, Bible Bites. Current bookthemes: farm, ocean, summer (camping, 4th of July, bugs, ice cream).
- We would also love to have seasonal crafts.
When you send in a link to your blog, please also write a little note in the email telling us if it's ok to use a photo from your post on Totally Tots. We will only use 1 photo and write a short description and the lead readers to your blog. If your blog has no right click/copy on it, please email us a photo to go along with your link. Otherwise we can get what we need straight from your blog!
If you have a crafty blog in general, please let us know if it is OK to use ideas and posts that you don't directly submit. We will always link to you and tell our readers it is YOUR idea! We will never copy entire posts or all photos, just one photo and a short description. Sometimes I am blog surfing and find an awesome craft, maybe even in an old post of yours, and if I already have permission from you to feature your blog/photo/link, it makes it that much easier! I will keep a list of these blogs to search through myself when looking for the weekly Crafty Corner posts-especially if I don't have anything specifically submitted! If you want your blog in this list, let me know!
Finally, if we do use your link, we will email you this button to place on your blog, if you want to!

What a great idea! I can't wait to see everyone's ideas. I need serious inspiration for this summer!
This sounds great..I will try to send some things your way thanks!!
You are welcome to use ideas from my blog anytime! Do you have a list of Once Upon a Book themes coming up? I would love to incorporate ideas that would be helpful here! And I love literature themed units. :-)
I have posted some Christmas crafts for ages 3-6 on my blog:
I have more to post over the next few days, too.
Thank you for all of the cute ideas on your blog.
I would love for you to check out my blog Giggles and Crayons at
I do arts and crafts with my daughter all the time. I also list the age that she is when we do the craft :).
I am a fairly new blogger with creative ideas for preschoolers. My blog is CreativePreschoolResources.com
I do lots of arts, crafts, math, writing etc. with my preschool students and I share our learning adventures and free printables.
Yes, you may happily use one photo and link back. I am currently going through Farm activities.
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