by Audrey Wood
Summary:Everyone is sleeping in the napping house, starting with a snoring granny who is soon joined by a dreaming child and then others until the bed is so full...and soon no one is napping!
What You'll Need:
- White and blue foam sheet/construction paper
- Scissors
- Pencil {to outline/trace letter}
- Fake flowers
- Marker
- Glue
- Trace and cut an uppercase 'H' out of the blue foam sheet or construction paper. I used a foam sheet that was about 4" x 5" in size.
- Using the white foam, cut out two rectangles for windows, a larger rectangle for a door, a triangle for the roof, and a thin rectangle for a windowbox.
- You can add window panes to the windows by either cutting them out with really fine scissors ~ or you can draw them on with a marker. :)
- Glue on the roof, windows, door and windowbox.
- Add some flowers to your windowbox if you decide to add one.
- Put a doorknob on your door.