

Monday, February 8, 2010

Little Books for Little Cooks ~ I Love You This Much

Little Books for Little Cooks Little Books for Little Cooks is a bi-monthly feature that focuses on creating some edible fun with your little one.   We will share a fun book to read with your little one along with a cooking activity to do that ties in with the featured book. Sometimes there may be actual cooking involved…and sometimes just fun!
by Lynn Hodges

Summary: Sweet book based on the lullaby and is a story of the love between a parent and a child ~ but also a reminder of God’s love for us!


You’ll Need:

  • a plate
  • watermelon
  • orange slice
  • heart shaped cookie cutter
  • toothpicks
To Make:
  1. Slice the watermelon into about 1/2” slices
  2. Slice the oranges into about 1/4” slices
  3. Use the heart shaped cookie cutter to cut hearts from the watermelon slices. 
  4. Cut the orange slices like this:IMG_3034
  5. Use the toothpicks to put your watermelon hearts together.
  6. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoy this cooking activity with your little one! To see more featured books and activities, click here!