

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now I Know My ABC’s ~ n is for net

It's time for some fun alphabet crafts!! We hope you enjoy these! If you are new, you can visit our ABC webpage to find links to any other letters we have done, letters (with books listed) coming up, as well as all the fun crafty letters we have been working on. Be sure to check it out!


Big Al by Andrew Clements

Summary: Big Al is one of the most friendly fish…but he is big and not as pretty as the other fish. When a net drops into the ocean to catch all of his friends, Al has a chance to show his friends how much he cares.

n is for net craft

What You’ll Need:

  • light and dark brown craft foam
  • pantyhose
  • scissors
  • glue/tape
  • pencil

n is for net craft

How to Make the ‘n’ net:

  1. Cut the letter ‘n’ from a piece of dark brown foam. We used a piece that was 2” x 2”.
  2. Cut a long strip of light brown foam to use as the handle for the net.
  3. Cut the foot end off a pair of pantyhose {or knee highs}.
  4. Glue the pantyhose to the end of the ‘handle’.
  5. Lay the letter ‘n’ on top of the net and glue in place.