Summary: A pet cat tries to get lunch but all he catches is feathers. This is a cute story plus nature-guide rolled up in one book. Lois Ehlert depicts 12 common birds in the story along with some fun facts at the end of the book.
ABC Letter Box
ABC Letter Box

For our Letter Ff week, I hid our letter Ff objects in a small tub of feathers! The girls had so much fun flinging feathers everywhere!
ABC Letter Learning Activities

For each letter I’ve created a handwriting/poem sheet. We read the poem together, highlight the letter F’s in the poem, and then finger-trace how to make the letters. Then we trace the letters with either a crayon or pencil. Many times my 2yr. old can only handle doing the finger-tracing. That’s great! I don’t pressure her to do the writing. My 4yr. old, on the other hand, is very interested in writing her letters.
ABC Crafts

After seeing if we could find any of the birds mentioned in the book, we decided to make our own feathered-friend craft.
ABC Theme Activities

Have you noticed that I use craft foam a lot? It is such a versatile product to have on-hand. We used the craft foam as sorting mats for our colored feathers.

For this sorting activity, we sorted pictures into two groups: animals that have feathers, and animals that have fur. I used a piece of craft foam for one mat and faux fur for the second mat. The picture cards were originally purchased to be writing prompts for my older children, but I think I’ve used them more with my preschoolers. I love having sturdy photos around to go with our studies.

I pulled out the cat can from our letter Cc week (you can find the download under Letter Cc) and came up with a “Feathers for Lunch” game. My daughter would roll the die and then feed the cat that amount of feathers.

I pulled together various items to make a nature tray. We used the eggs we painted during our Letter E week, added some feathers, fake birds, and a magnifying glass.

We talked about how the different feathers felt, what colors they had, what they might be used for, and then we tried to guess what bird the feathers came from.
ABC Pretend Play and Games

The girls played and played with those birds!
Other ABC Resources:
ABC Printables from Homeschool Creations
Letter of the Week Curriculum from COAH
ABC Flashcards and More from 1+1+1=1
ABC Letter Crafts
Songs for Saplings ABC Verses