

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Once Upon A Book ~ Touchdown! {done}


Touchdown! by David Diehl

Summary:  The simple pictures in this book make it easy to teach your Tot some football fundamentals.  Teach your child the in’s and out’s of this game . . . learn about field goals, the coin toss, kickoffs, helmets, and basic offense and defense. 

Bible Verse:  No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:27)

Football is no foreign subject in this house.  I grew up watching the Engineer (my husband) play both high school and college football.


The highlight of our reading Touchdown! was definitely playing with Daddy’s beat up helmets.


To kick off our football education, we practiced throwing . . . using these great number bean bags that my sister made for us.


We tried to have Gabe throw the bean bags in numerical order into my husband’s helmets.  Ummm . . . tried would be the optimum word!  (By the way, potty training was occurring during this activity.)



Next, my IRL buddy made the PERFECT printable just for our book!  Thanks, Maureen!


Print the Coin Toss Tally Sheet, grab a quarter, and either stickers or Do-A-Dots


Be sure to show your Tot how a quarter is different on each side.  Have them practice throwing the quarter in the air.  Record which side lands on your Tally Sheet. 


If you want to further talk about money with your child, we have had tons of fun playing with this Learning Resources stamp set!

Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)? Click here to see our Once Upon a Book webpage!

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