

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TOTally Working For Me

Do you have something that is working for you and your tot (at least for the moment)? We'd love to hear about it! We can all learn from each other, that's what this section is for.

To submit a TOTally Working For Me post, please do the following...
  1. Email your post to JolantheAtTotallyTots @
  2. Write your post in your actual email.
  3. Attach any photos to be included as jpegs, full sized please.
  4. In the Subject line of your email, please write: "TOTally Working For Me- your name"
  5. Your post can be about anything that you think would be beneficial to another mom.
  6. When you submit a TOTally Working for Me idea, we will let other readers know where they can find you at your personal blog if you'd like. If you want your blog (one only) linked up at the end of your post, include that in your email

Here is an example of a TOTALLY Working for Me idea...

My tot Krash is annoying (to say the least) at dinner time. Why? Because he won't sit in his booster seat. He has the Cooshee Booster Seat and we love it, BUT it doesn't have a strap. So, we got out a belt and belted him down, now he is no longer annoying!!!! Instead of crawling onto the table, into his brother's plate, and out of his seat, he now sits facing his plate... with no wiggle room! It's TOTally working for us!


Pamela said...

My parents had to do this with me, but they used a a towel! lol, whatever works!

Anonymous said...

Love it! We say 'Buckle up!' at dinner time, and all 4 of our little ones run to their boosters and see who can get buckled in the fastest. If they aren't 'belted in' they are constantly getting down from the table...which drives us nutso. ;)
hey...question... are you by chance on staff with a large interdenominational christian organization that works with college students? just curious...b/c i am. thought we might be staff sistahs...