I cannot function at my best when certain things are left undone. I was smacked in the face with this reality
(yet again) as I read my current personal growth book...
Small Changes for a Better Life: Daily Steps to Living Gods Plan for You, by Elizabeth George. The chapter I was reading was about...
Discipline. And it wasn't for who you think. It was for ME-the MOM! Ahhhh.
When I sit at my computer, my back is towards my combo room. What is a combo room? It's an invention made up by me because we have a really old house with a strange floor plan. When we renovated 5 years ago I decided to make the room leading into our bedroom
(which is about the size of a small bedroom) my office/laundry room/closet. It works well and honestly I think it is a
genius idea ;) but there is one small problem. When this room is a mess, many other areas of my life are a mess.
When I get to cleaning in here, and I mean
really cleaning, other areas of my life become more disciplined. As I began cleaning today
(which I still am) I also began thinking, why do I let this room get like this? Why do I let it get like this when I know that it affects me in other areas? Why don't I keep up with this one room perfectly since I know that I spend a lot of time in here and it affects how I function and feel?
Now, I am a fairly disciplined person in many areas. I get asked a lot how I write/lead 4 blogs and homeschool, support my husband's ministry work, and do my own ministry work, etc. I can do it because I am very disciplined and focused in many areas. I try each and every day to be the best I can be at everything I am doing,
doing it all as if it were for Christ...who strengthens me-(Colossians 3:23, Philippians 4:13). As I was reading my book today I was smacked in the face with the honest truth
-there is always room for improvement.
So, I seek to improve. I seek to be more disciplined with my time and other areas of my life. I seek to arise earlier, and on a better schedule. I seek to be more patient and loving to the people who matter most-my husband and children. I seek to keep my priorities in check.
Now, I seek to finish cleaning this room. I know it will make me better in other areas, and I desire to be the best I can be in ALL areas, not just some of them.