Summary: Follow along as the children are able to see beyond the commercialism of Easter as they learn of its true meaning! This is a great book to use to explain the true Easter story and how many of the celebrations of spring have been tied together with it. The story encourages both the celebration of Christ rising from the dead as well as the the celebration of spring!
Bible Verse
He is not here. He has risen, just as He said. Matthew 28:6a
Make a picture showing Jesus’ empty tomb! Draw two half circles (one small and one large) for the tomb. Draw a circle for the stone that was rolled away. Let your little one cut out the pieces. Glue to tomb onto construction paper and attach the stone with a brad.
Make Resurrection rolls to represent how Jesus rose from the dead.
• 1 can refrigerated crescent roll dough
• 8 large marshmallows
• Melted butter
• Cinnamon
• Sugar
1. Dip one marshmallow (which represents the body of Christ) in the butter.
2. Roll the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar mixture (which represent the oils and spices that were used to anoint Jesus’ body upon burial.)
3. Lay the marshmallow on one of the triangle shaped sections of crescent roll (which represents the tomb) and wrap it around the marshmallow.
4. Make sure all seams are pinched together well. (Otherwise the marshmallow will "ooze" out of the seams)
5. Bake according to package directions.
6. Cool.
7. Break open the tomb and the body of Christ is no longer there!!
8. Celebrate!!! Jesus is risen!!!
Resurrection Eggs
Make Resurrection eggs to help your child remember the Resurrection story. You can use this Resurrection Eggs Printable from Christian Preschool Printables.
Another option is to purchase pre-made and pre-filled Resurrection Eggs.
Here are some fun songs to sing with your little one!
(Tune: Jesus Loves Me)
Easter Basket
On Resurrection Sunday give your little one an Easter basket with a Christian theme. Here are some ideas of what to put in your basket. Be sure to explain the meaning of each item to your little one!
A Lamb: This represents the Lamb of God who came to take away our sin.
Rock candy: This represents the stone that was rolled away.
Chocolate coins: This reminds us of the 30 pieces of silver.
Jelly Beans: Attach the jelly bean poem as a cute illustration of our risen Savior! The poem and instructions are found here.
An empty plastic egg: This is a reminder of the empty tomb. Write "He is Risen" on the outside of the egg. Story books: Choose books that represent the true story of Easter. Here are some great choices: