I’m sure you’ve heard it before too. You kindly ask your child to do something and they kindly reply, “but Mom…” This has been happening repeatedly at my house by a particular child. He is Momma’s boy so he’s pretty compliant, but lately, I can’t get him to say, “yes Mom” like I want him too and this is rubbing off on his little brother and sister. Hmmm…So I started making it a little more black and white for him. I’ve been asking him to say yes or no when I ask him to do something, after all God’s Word tell us that any other answer is from the devil! Ha! Now when I start hearing the beginnings of “buuuu” I quickly ask him, Yes or No? Because in my mind “but Mom” might as well be a no.
“But let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no,’ ‘no.’ For what is more than these is from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37
So then I started thinking about how we do this to the Lord. He, in His loving way, asks us to do something. Maybe it’s just a simple thing like spend less time on the computer, or more time in His word, maybe it’s to start cooking healthier or even something more time consuming and scary like homeschooling. Whatever it is, I’m sure God hears His share of, “but God…”
The Bible teaches us that obedience is better than sacrifice and if all the things we are doing in the “name of God” aren’t the things He’s asked us to do, it’s the same as saying No to God. Ouch!
“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice…”
1 Samuel 15:22
Our challenge, when we hear the quiet voice of God compelling and directing us to do something that we don’t want to do or that we are afraid to do, we need to ask ourselves, do we really want to say, “NO God?” At that basic level, it’s easy to see the right choice! Yes God! Yes God! Yes God!
Father, help us to be diligent to teach our children quick, joyful obedience by allowing them to see it in our own lives. Forgive us for saying, “But God.” We want to be your obedient children that bring you great joy!