

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Introducing ~ Maureen


I am mom to 6 wonderful kids, ages 12 yrs. - 2 weeks. I've been happily married to my husband for a little more than 14 yrs, and we have had quite an adventure so far! We never planned on becoming a homeschooling family, but God laid that on our hearts when my oldest was 3 yrs. old. Now homeschooling has become a lifestyle for us. I have always had a passion for teaching, and it brings me such joy to see others learn.

Through the years I have had many opportunities to use my teaching skills. I've been active in children's ministry, especially at the toddler/preschool level. I've helped write curriculum and plan programs. For several years I taught scrapbooking at conventions and local scrapbook stores. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, I was an elementary school teacher and taught 1st-2nd grades. In 2009 I started my blog, Spell Outloud, with the desire to give back in some way to the online educational community. I'm just amazed at the friendships and camaraderie that can occur in the virtual world.

I'm thrilled to be a part of the Totally Tots team and contribute to the Now I Know My ABC's posts. My prayer is that, while interacting with your children via educational activities or play, you draw close to each other and to God.

You can see what my bunch is up to by visiting Spell or following me on Twitter: @ SpellOutloud.
