

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Know I know My ABC’s ~ Mm is for Moon

Goonight Moon
Summary: Goodnight Moon is a short poem of goodnight wishes from a young rabbit preparing for--or attempting to postpone--his own slumber. He says goodnight to every object in sight and within earshot, including the "quiet old lady whispering hush.
Letter Activities:
We practiced sorting objects. Those that had a “m” sound went on the black mat, all the others went on the white mat. When I first introduce a letter sound to my tot, I hold up the object and say the name, emphasizing the beginning sound. Then we decide together if it makes the “m” sound or not. After playing this game/reviewing the pictures and letter sounds over several days, then my child can sort some of the objects on her own.
Theme Activities:
Did your child notice that the moon “moves” during the book? If not, when reading point out the position of the moon in the window. Talk about how the moon in the book is a full white circle. We call that a full moon. This is a great opportunity to introduce your child to look at the moon each night and see if it looks the same as it did in the book.
Here’s a yummy phases of the moon craft using cookies and frosting.
I pulled out a picture of the moon from NASA. We talked about craters and the fact that the moon has bumps and isn’t just a big, white, smooth object in the sky.
Book Extensions:
Of course we had to eat mush. Well, ours was actually oatmeal, but we pretended it was mush.
Observe the clock-hands in the book. Did you notice they move?  (Took little bunny quite a long time to go to bed—lol!) I picked up this clock at the Target Dollar Spot. Of course I’m not expecting my tot to tell time. We used the clock to practice counting our numbers. I used sticky-tack and stuck both hands together. Then we used the hands like a spinner. My daughter had to tell me the number that the hand was pointing to.
I thought this clipping mittens activity  from Delightful Learning was a great idea. You need to check out Michelle’s post on all the other Goodnight Moon activities they did. For a small toddler’s book there are so many directions you can go with it!
Other Mm Resources:
Letter Mm Post from Totally Tots
Goodnight Moon Printables from Homeschool Share
Other ABC Resources
ABC Printables from Homeschool Creations
Letter of the Week Curriculum from COAH
ABC Flashcards and More from 1+1+1=1
ABC Letter Crafts
Songs for Saplings ABC Verses