A Cuddle for Little Duck by Claire Freedman
Summary: A cute rhyming story of a little duck and his day.
ABC Letter Box
ABC Letter Box

This week I decided to do something a little different for our letter box activity. Instead of having a box, I made an ABC I Spy bottle. I used “dots” as a filler (a great way to use lentils!) and placed various letter D objects into the bottle. Complete directions on how to put together this letter I Spy bottle can be found here: I Spy Bottles.
Other Duck Books
We read this adorable non-fiction book about ducks online through the We Give Books program. This is a free website that allows readers to read a book for charity.
ABC Letter Learning Activities
ABC Letter Learning Activities

I cut a capital letter D and lowercase letter d out of blue construction paper. I had the girls pretend that this was a duck pond. We moved the ducks in the direction that the letters are written. It was a fun way to practice letter writing!

We also did our handwriting sheet. We use this as a fun way to introduce how to write the letters. We read the poem together and search for all the Dd’s. Then I have my little girls practice writing the letter in the sky. Then we use our finger to trace the arrows in the upper-right corner. You can laminate these sheets and create your own reusable ABC book. For young toddlers, I find that my girls write better with dry erase crayons. (Download available below.)
ABC Crafts

Of course we had to make our own little duck. This little duck is made out of craft foam and Glue Dots. I pre-cut the pieces and stuck Glue Dots with the backings onto the pieces. On some of the craft pieces I added a line-guide in order to help my daughter know where to place things. We added magnets to the back and hung on our fridge.
ABC Theme Activities

Since we learned about ducks floating in the water, we decided to do our own float or sink experiment. We printed off our sorting sheets (link found below), filled a bowl full of water and then gathered various objects.

Then we would guess ahead of time if we thought it would sink or float. After we would get the result, we placed the object on the correct sorting sheet. This was a great opportunity to observe and ask questions like: How many objects floated? How many sank? Which group had more? Hold two objects---which one is heavier? Did it sink or float?

I pulled out a duck lacing activity for the girls to work on while we talked about what we knew about ducks.

Then we went over our duck word cards (download below). We place these in baseball card holders and place it in our ABC 3-ring binder.
ABC Pretend Play and Games

This was their favorite activity of the week. We placed food coloring in some water, added our rubber ducks and acted out the 5 Little Ducks rhyme. They also just had fun splashing in the water!

Other ABC Resources:
ABC Printables from Homeschool Creations
Letter of the Week Curriculum from COAH
ABC Flashcards and More from 1+1+1=1
ABC Letter Crafts
Songs for Saplings ABC Verses
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