Here is a fun Christmas bin for you and your tot to explore:
My two were SUPER excited to dive into this bin! Again, I kept things simple and it was well worth it. They loved it. I added candy canes (that we have no intention of eating) star ornaments, and they each had a few small plastic tubs, a scoop and a spoon. And shaving cream, of course!
If I would have had more shaving cream I would have added it. This was 2 and a half cans and didn't fill the tub much. But they didn't care and it would have probably required swim suits and a fire hose to clean up. :-)
We've played with shaving cream on many occasions, just never in this large of capacity. She was a bit ....umm... unexcited to get it her hands a first. She asked me for a napkin to wipe it off! But, it really didn't take more than a few minuets and she was
They stirred and stirred. They scooped. They dug. They played hide and seek with the stars trying to find the most. And they just played.
It surprised me she played much longer than Aaron. Very serious, focused, content play.
I hope you have a very, Merry CHRISTmas and can enjoy some messy sensory play this season!

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