By Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Summary: Follow dinosaurs all over the house as they learn their colors through household items. (And in the process your Tot can learn their colors and the names of various dinosaurs!)
Bible Verse
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mark 10:14)
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mark 10:14)
I chose this verse this week, because I think it is so important to teach our children correctly and orderly about ALL of God’s creation. God does have a plan, and I believe that dinosaurs fit into His plan perfectly! So help your child develop a Christian worldview that includes dinosaurs, so that they aren’t hindered as they learn about the kingdom of God! For more of my thoughts, head on over to Granola Mom 4 God.
For those of you who have older children, in addition to your Tot, you might also enjoy reading the book, The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible, by Paul S. Taylor.

Field Trip
Visit your local museum, if possible!
We headed to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis . . . but I would have loved to have taken the boys to the Creation Museum.
File Folder Games
Head on over to Valerie’s site and download Dinosaur Colors File Folder Game. It is a PERFECT match to accompany How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors? Mr. Smiley is only 2 and has been LOVING file folder games. This is a color matching game using a brontosaurus and a stegosaurus. Children match the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Brown, and Gray.
Hands-On Activity
If you are ready for a messy but fun activity, allowing your Tot to have a dinosaur dig can be quite fun! We used the Dinosaur Dig Kits from Oriental Trading. The little guy never completely uncovered the dinosaur bones, but he had fun in the process!
Tissue Paper Rainbow (since there is a rainbow at the end of the story)
Tissue Paper Rainbow (since there is a rainbow at the end of the story)
- glue or glue dots
- tissue paper
- white paper
- marker
Directions: Draw a rainbow with the marker on white paper. Hand your Tot individual colored square tissue paper at a time.
It may also be helpful if you put the glue along the rainbow lines, too. Work your way through the colors!
Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)?
I came across your blog yesterday and got so excited. I was reading a blog you wrote about tots to teenagers. You don't believe in time outs and it was packed with lots more information. Now I can't find it.. I really enjoy your blog as I take care of my grandson 2 x's a week. He is 4. Last night we did S is for squirrel.. He loved it~! Thanks for all your info as GranAnnie needs lots of help. I love that it's all based around God...
Here is a link to all of our From Tots to Teens posts, I am sure you will find what you were reading! Our writer ~ Jill, shares awesome Biblical wisdom!
God Bless,
Thanks for the post and sharing the link for the dinosaur digs. We are coming up on Dd and that would be a great activity! Thanks! Kerri
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