

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Once Upon a Book ~ Mortimer's First Garden


By: Karma Wilson

Summary: Mortimer decides to plant his last sunflower seed in hopes of a 'springtime miracle'.  After lots of work, patience and trusting in God a plant emerges from the ground.

Bible Verse

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. - Galatians 6:9

Song ~ Little Sunflower
Tune: I'm A Little Teapot

I'm a little sunflower
I'm so small,
Soil, sun and water
Make me tall.
When I get all grown up
You will see,
That I'm as big
As I can be!

Art Activity ~ Tissue Paper Sunflower


For this activity you will need:
* Yellow and Green Tissue Paper
* Seeds
* Glue
* 1 Piece of white card stock {you can use a different color of card stock}


To make:

* Color the pieces of the sunflower
* Glue together onto piece of card stock
* Tear up and wrinkle tissue paper
* Glue tissue paper on to the flower {yellow}, stems {green} and leaves {green}
* Put some glue all over the center of the flower; Have child put seeds on the glue

Sensory Fun

* Fill a tote with shredded brown paper {can be bought at the Dollar Tree}
* Hide lots of seeds in the paper
* Give child tools for digging and a jar {or bowl} to put their seeds in as they find them



Counting Seeds

* Write numbers on pieces of paper; attach to craft sticks
* Place craft sticks with numbers into plastic cups
* Have child put the correct number of seeds into each cup



Seed, Seed, Sprout 

Play like Duck, Duck, Goose


Make A Memory

Have your little one plant some sunflower seeds!  We're in the having patience and trusting in God stage as we wait for our little plants to start growing :)


Want to see what's coming next (and books we've done in the past)?  Click here to see our Once Upon a Book  webpage!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We read this book this week too. I will need to try the sensory activity with JDaniel. We made paper flowers made of circles. My post will go up later today.