by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha
Bible Verse
Discuss Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from Daniel 3. Explain the MIRACLE of them being in the fiery furnace and being protected and saved by God. Be sure to follow up with the importance of fire safety.
For a fun little craft, make these cute little firefighter helpers! Use a toilet paper roll and the Dalmatian dog printables from DLTK.
Dramatic Play
We pretended to be firefighters and we practiced the notorious “stop, drop, and roll.” For a fun idea, you can cut a flame out of construction paper and tape it to your child’s shirt. Have them “stop, drop and roll” until the flame falls off.
You can do a little demonstration to explain the importance of why a child should “stop, drop, and roll” rather than run to their parents if their clothes catch fire. For the demonstration you will need matches, a candle and a clear jar large enough to cover the candle. Observe the burning candle and explain that fire needs air in order for it to keep burning. Next, cover the burning candle with the clear jar. The candle will stop burning because it does not have air. Explain that this is why we should not run if our clothes catch on fire. We must “stop, drop, and roll” so that the fire will not have enough air to continue burning.
We went through and used a tally chart to count up all of the fire detectors in our house.
Language & Game
We used the fireman word cards from Homeschool Creations and turned it into a fun game of matching by printing off two sets of cards.
Firefighter Song
(tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little firefighter on the go.
Here is my helmet
Here is my hose.
When I see a fire,
Hear me shout:
"Turn on the water
and put the fire out!"
(from Kinder Korner)
More Ideas
I printed off the My Fire Inspection Checklist found at and we went around inspecting the house.
Field Trip
Visit a fire station ~ It is always fun for little ones to visit the fire station. My kids had a blast being able to use the hose!
Finally, a lesson about firefighters and fire safety just wouldn’t be complete without our favorite firefighter of all, Fireman Sam! So, I printed some Fireman Sam coloring pages and we watched a few Fireman Sam episodes.
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