by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha
Summary: Follow Mister Gilly, the trashman, as he drives around cleaning up Trashy Town. This is a favorite in our house. We have watched the Trashy Town video so many times that the kids ask me to sing the words in the book rather than read them! In case you have never seen the Trashy Town video, you can see it below. It has a rather catchy beat to it!
Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:21
I printed out and colored garbage trucks from the First-School community helpers page. I helped the little boys cut them out and glue them onto construction paper. My other children wanted to participate as well. My daughter even drew Mister Gilly! Another fun idea is to glue “trash” (torn pieces of paper) in the trash truck.
We pretended one of boy’s toy trucks was a garbage truck. The little boys tore and crumpled up pieces of paper (fine motor skills) and we pretended that the paper was trash. We counted the “trash” as we “dumped it in…smashed it down…until our trash truck was full. Of course the boys sang the entire time they drove their truck cleaning up their own little Trashy Town!
We talked about recycling and the little boys practiced sorting various recyclable materials into bins labeled plastic, glass, paper, and aluminum.
We watched the Trashy Town video numerous times and sang the song as well played with our pretend trash trucks.
More Ideas
On trash day, we watched our trash man (who my kids ALWAYS refer to as Mr. Gilly) come by to pick up the trash. We sang as we watched him “dump it in and smash it down!”
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1 comment:
Thanks for the great ideas! They are very simple and do-able.
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