Summary: From apples to cows, kettles to scarecrows, warm country images abound in this delightful alphabet poem. Accompanied by striking folk-art illustrations, these verses provide an ideal introduction to the ABC's
Qq is for Quilt
- squares cut out from fabric, tissue or construction paper
- glue
- full sheet of construction paper
To Make:
1. Write the letter 'Qq' on the construction paper or print out the Qq template {have your LO color their Qq's if using the template}
2. Grab the glue and squares that were cut out.
3. Have your LO glue the "quilt" squares all over the construction paper.
4. Set aside to dry.
5. Write "Qq' is for Quilt under the Qq's.
6. Hole punch and add to alphabet book binder
Quilt Patterns
Print off the Quilt sheet. Give your LO circle counters to fill in the circles and make paterns on their 'quilt'. If you don't have circle counters you can use fruity cheerios, Fruit Loops or even the Circle Stickum fruit snacks. When you are done playing, hole punch the sheet and add it to your alphabet book binder.
More Quilt Fun
- Read Quilt Counting by Lesa Cline Ransome
Quilt Magnify Matchups: Print off a big picture and then a super tiny picture. Let your LO look through the magnifying glass to see which tiny pictures match with the big pictures.
Quilt Emergent Reader: Print off and let your LO color in the quilts and make patterns - then have fun reading it together!
Great ideas. I like the quilt with the counters.
Love the quilts! Super cute! We are coming up on the letter q soon, so fun to see this!
This looks like it will be a fun week!!!! and here is a verse to go with those quilts ...quick to listen, slow to speak... James 1:19
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