We are finally starting to implement this at MY house!!!! I am SO excited!!! We are using the
In My Heart Bible verse as a part of our new "Raising Rock Stars" homeschool program!
You can read more about that here. Each week I will feature the new verse here on Totally Tots!
I was given the opportunity to review the cd
Songs for Saplings: ABCs. They graciously sent me this cd awhile back and we were so busy I didn't get going with it really. Then finally I put it in, and it has been playing almost non-stop ever since.
This cd is AMAZING!!!!! If the cd itself isn't playing, the songs are still heard, from either the mouths of my boys or from the bigger people
(me and hubs)! I will be sharing more about the cd, but in a nutshell, it is wonderful and I highly recommend it. You can get it
here, or
One new feature is a coloring page for each verse, focusing on the letter and the item beginning with that letter in the verse. Some of the verses are tricky to do this for, but I am finding a way! Thankfully this one is easy-APPLE!

Another new item in the PDF files will be a new flashcard each week. I am printing mine on cardstock and
laminating them. We're using for review as we add our new verse each week. We're on Bb and already Krash is loving looking back at his Aa-apple verse!

We will be working our way through the cd, starting with the verse for A this week! Stay tuned for a new pdf file for each song on the cd!
Find the PDF files to download here!
See our intro post about teaching Bible memory verses to tots here.