Bread: Galations 6: 1 - 10
Bite: “Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.” Galations 6:6
Believing: We’ll be learning about our local church for a couple of weeks! This week, let’s teach our tot how to honor and bless the pastors of our churches. The best way to do this is to get up-close and personal!
Begin by printing out a picture of your pastor and hanging it on the refrigerator so that you and your tot remember to pray for him through the week.
Plan ahead for your tot to greet your pastor before or after church this Sunday.
Have your pastor (and family!) over for a meal that your tot can help prepare, serve, and host. (With your tot’s help, plan 3 questions that your tot can ask about your pastor’s life, job, passion, or hobbies.)
If you’re able, stop by your pastor’s house with some tot-artwork and a fruit basket so that your tot can see that your pastor is a person - just like us - who has decided to love and obey Jesus with his whole heart! (I remember when my daughter’s eyes got as wide as saucers to realize that our pastor lived in a real house and didn’t just sleep in our church building. She adores our pastor; the two of them make a point to connect with each other almost every Sunday.)
Find links to all of our past Bible Bites posts here on our Totally Tots website.
my girls love our priest they are both really nice and i don't know how they do it but they each and ever kids name and we go to a huge catholic church! :)
Love this bible bite - fantastic ideas!
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