Story of Jesus by Patricia Pingry
Summary: Describes important events in the life of Jesus. Told in only 220 words, this is the story of Jesus and how he worked miracles on earth in order to save all people.

Jj is for Jesus (loves me)
- Jesus color sheet
- Construction paper
- Crayons and Markers
- Glue
To Make:
- print of and have LO color the Jesus loves me color sheet
- cut out and have LO glue it to the sheet of construction paper.
- Draw Jj (or use Jj template) is for Jesus on the sheet, add hole punches and add to your alphabet book.
Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill by Martha Weston
Summary: Jack and Jill and big dog Bill go sledding one snowy winter day. When big dog Bill notices a rabbit on the hill, mayhem ensues. This fun phonics reader helps early readers with the use of alliteration and rhyming.

- Jack and Jill color page
- contact paper
- wipe off markers or crayons
- small piece of felt
To Make:
- Print off the Jack and Jill color sheet and laminate with clear contact paper.
- add hole punches and add to your alphabet book
- store your wipe off crayons or markers and piece of felt in the front pocket of your 3 ring binder you are storing your alphabet book in.
More Jj fun:
- have a Jumping contest
- make freezer jam with your LO
- match Jar lids to the Jars
- if you own a Jack in the box get it out and play with it
- Color a Jaguar

We have that Jesus book and another Jack and Jill book! Great ideas. Thank you!
How thankful I am that we are doing the letter J. Things are a bit crazy with us and well I'm going to take this week to review the 10 commandments with my kiddos!! And our verse for J is: justice is a joy proverbs 21:5
so sorry for the typo, it should be proverbs 21:15.
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