Today is our 1 month anniversary and my how we've grown in such a short time!!!
I remember the weeks leading up to the public launch and I kept asking God, "are you sure you want me taking something like this on right now??" and He seemed to continually tell me YES. For those of you who don't know me personally from my other blog, I am pregnant, due with our first daughter in early May. I had horrible pregnancy sickness (Hypermesis) during the first 12 weeks, then my husband battled testicular cancer for several months (he is cancer free now after two surgeries!!), and now I am struggling with much physical pain in my 3rd trimester. I tell you all of that NOT to complain at all but to show you how God has worked this difficult time for our family for HIS glory and good. We are all making it and this blog has been SUCH a source of peace, motivation, and inspiration for me. I wasn't exactly sure why God would want me to undertake something that was so much work at this point in my life and my pregnancy but now I know! I am in so much physical pain most days that all I can do is sit in my computer chair...HE gave me something to keep my mind off of ME during those times! I am SO thankful for this blog, SO thankful for all of the writers and contributors, SO thankful for the community of readers and supporters. I am SO thankful for God putting this idea in my head late one night months ago!
As we enter into our 2nd month online I would love to hear from YOU! Here's a few questions I have for you, and if you have any helpful thoughts leave them in the comments below!
- What features would you like to see ADDED? We have a list of features in the works and if you have another idea, leave it in the comments. NO guarantees, but we would love to hear your thoughts! Our current possibilities are: Tots on the POTty (stories of potty training), Tot Ties (bonding with your tots), Once Upon a Book (for kids, featuring a great book and ideas to go along with that book), Adopted Tots (a feature focused entirely on families who have adopted a tot-or a baby that is now a tot), Tot Food (simple, healthy, recipes for your tot).
- Since our launch, we have added a couple of new features, Celebrating Your Tots and Terrific Tot Sites, we hope you are enjoying those too!
- What are your current favorite features? Are you inspired by a particular feature, please tell us so the writer of that feature can be encouraged! Leave a comment below if you have any other helpful or encouraging thoughts.
- Are YOU interested in writing or submitting for the blog? Please click here and if you can answer YES to those questions, please email me! As it says in that post, we aren't necessarily looking for new writers but the door is open for our team to grow. If you have a strength in one of our feature areas or even in one of the possible new feature areas, let me know.
Thank you to all of you who have posted about Totally Tots on your own blog, added our button to your sidebar, become subscribers or followers, and those who read! I am honored and humbled by the way God has brought such a fantastic group of moms together and look forward to what He has in store for this blog and little blog family :).
Happy Anniversary!! You are doing a great job and the blog is SUCH A BLESSING!
The other Carissa...
Happy Happy Anniversary!
I love watching you grow through this beautiful journey! It has been amazing getting to know you and be blessed by traveling alongside of you!
Here's to many more months and years as Mom's together!
I think it would be great to have a section where you can search for other followers with kids the same age as ours so that we can connect.
I love this idea and a few friends are doing it with me. Yeah for totally tots!
happy anniversary! i voted can you guess what for :)
YEAH! 1 Month Anniversary! I would love a little help in the TOT Food section! I struggle with creativity and would love to get some other mama's ideas. Thanks for the blog! I love it.
Love your blog! I did the Valentine Project with the ICorin.13 verses. It is displayed on the pantry door. My oldest two, 6 and 4 were so excited each day to put up the hearts. It was so sweet to hear them say the verses each day!
Thanks for the creativity
Concerning the section for adopted tots, I think it'd be great if you could broaden it a little to something like "alternative family building". Many families who adopt have been through fertility issues or other issues that prevent them from having children the old fashion way. And many couple choose fertility treatments like IVF or surrogacy to build their families. I just think it'd be nice to include them under this heading as well. And it only occurred to me to say so because I am a former gestational surrogate myself and have seen first hand a close friend and her struggles to have a child through alternative family building. She is now the mom of twins!
So glad you asked. I was wanting to start a play group within our tower (just to start off with) and use the wonderful crafts, and bible bites you present online to help foster a sense of community and not competition between moms and children. So I think some corporate play ideas and crafts would be awesome too!!! I am greatly enjoying this site plus your original blog as it is helping me remember how to play with my darling little girl as I have a 7 and 4 year old and often forget to just have fun with all 3 of my children!!!!!! Thanks for all the hard work each of you put into this amazing site, it is greatly appreciated and needed!!!!!!!
what a great site for moms! glad i stumbled upon you:) i'll be back!!
noelle ;)
"Tot Food" would be awesome! I have an incredibly picky eater, so I can use any and all ideas for getting my toddler to eat healthy.
Good job to everyone who is working on this blog...thank you for the great ideas so far. :)
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