This is one of my kids’ favorite things to play with during school. It was quick and easy to make, and the possibilities are really endless!
I used a bowl, some weird curly noodles, and a handful of tiny toys from around the house. They dig through the bowl of noodles to find the toys.
At first, I worked hard to make sure everything was concealed from view when I first handed it to them, but I soon discovered that even catching a glimpse of part of an object delighted them both.
This could also be made with sand, rice, macaroni or sugar to hide the toys, and you could use numbers, letters, shapes, colors, or toys with a specific theme (objects that start with the same letter, objects that are the same shape or color, ocean animals, pirates, etc.) for the kids to find.
I used a bowl, some weird curly noodles, and a handful of tiny toys from around the house. They dig through the bowl of noodles to find the toys.
This Simply Made post was written by Laura, you can visit her personal blog, Four Little Penguins. Thanks Laura for sharing your great idea of a simple home-made learning tool!
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