KaZAM Bike, ends ??? couldn't find a date
$50 gift certificate to ecotimestoys.com ends Aug 20
Kushies Hooded Towel, ends Aug 8
Mutsy Booster Chair, ends Aug 10

Have LO place one graham cracker sheet in a foil pie plate. Sprinkle with chocolate chips and miniature marshmallows. Cover the pie plate with tin foil. Place outside in a sunny, hot place and check after 10 minutes. They are done when the sun has melted the chocolate and marshmallow.
Circle/Song TimeEvery morning when we pray we are thanking God for his provision, begging God for employment, trusting in God’s goodness.
My two oldest sons had a very profitable yard service business that they walked away from when we moved back to the Midwest. My oldest son has really felt the desire to get a “real” job. He’s only 14, so there are some limitations. But he has applied at a pizza shop, to be the kid on the corner holding the sign and he’s applied at a grocery store to be the dreaded “cart boy.” He got turned down at both places, but you know what the Lord did? He brought a neighbor over to our house, and she hired him to do yard work. Now, it’s not an on-going job, but it’s still an answer to a prayer and I believe that God will keep answering. Son trusting: God Providing
My second son has always wanted to take some kind of martial arts class. It’s never been in the budget and he’s been so gracious and good-natured despite that. We were out garage saling the other day and he found a brand new, amazingly top quality bench press with weights for $35. He was able to buy it with his own money and has discovered that he loves the challenge of lifting weights. He’s never complained about not getting to do karate. Son Trusted: God Provided
My oldest daughter was so sad to leave Washington because she had some really special girl friends over there. We had many talks and prayers to the Lord about this worry she had. Do you know she has more friends now then she did over there and these are people we see often! She is so happy and so thankful and is continually telling me how glad she has a friend like “such and so.” It’s another wonderful example of God’s compassion and goodness. Daughter Trusted: God Provided
This is kind of a silly example, but it is true just the same. My 6 year old found a frog. He loved that frog and his mean ole’ momma made him let it go. He was sad, but complied. A day later daddy brings him home a turtle that he found crossing the road. Not only that, but since then, daddy has put a pond in our back yard for the turtle and that six year old has added 10 frogs to his little collection! Truly it was a day of trouble for a six year old when his momma makes him return his pet to the wild, but we talked about how because he honored his mom, God could bless him. And boy did He! Son Trusted: God Provided
Go here to find the PDF files for our verse this week!
Sung to: "A- Hunting we will go"
A-hunting we will go
A -hunting we will go
We'll catch a (insert any insect here)
and put it in a box
(loudly) and then we'll let it go!