When Zachary was just barely three he started having some strange 'dreams' at night that would wake him up screaming. Dreams about bugs, bugs, and more bugs. It eventually made him completely scared to go to bed at night because he was certain that there were bugs out to get him.
I'd like to say that we were always calm and patient with him and helped him through this months-long issue as model parents...but really. Not so much. There were times that I was about at my wits end and struggling for ideas to help him out.
Enter the flyswatter.
Who would have known that a little piece of metal and plastic would do such a world of good? We gave him one to take to bed and he instantly had his defense against the 'bug monsters'.
Somehow, somewhere our kids pick up on monsters {and I'm not kidding you, our oldest just said the word as I typed it - SEE?} and then there are bedtime issues. We do pray with our kids about monsters and pray for peace as they sleep, but here are some creative ideas I've used and seen for helping shoo away those bedtime stinkers {some ideas are from The Wide-Eyed Wonder Years}:
- Spray them away with "monster spray". Fill a spray bottle with water and decorate it for fun. Spritz the room with the spray - just like you would for bugs {Wonder Years}
- Give them a flashlight. There are so many fun kids flashlights but you could even use a smaller one to help shine in the corners of the room - it's a fun little toy!
- Tickle your kids! Play tickle monster with your kids - let him be the ONLY monster you know! {Wonder Years}
- Find a cool night light. We have the standard night lights in our kids rooms, but you can find one shaped like a star or there are many character night lights available. We moved one close to the bed and that helped so much!
I'd like to say that we were always calm and patient with him and helped him through this months-long issue as model parents...but really. Not so much. There were times that I was about at my wits end and struggling for ideas to help him out.
Enter the flyswatter.
Who would have known that a little piece of metal and plastic would do such a world of good? We gave him one to take to bed and he instantly had his defense against the 'bug monsters'.
Somehow, somewhere our kids pick up on monsters {and I'm not kidding you, our oldest just said the word as I typed it - SEE?} and then there are bedtime issues. We do pray with our kids about monsters and pray for peace as they sleep, but here are some creative ideas I've used and seen for helping shoo away those bedtime stinkers {some ideas are from The Wide-Eyed Wonder Years}:
- Spray them away with "monster spray". Fill a spray bottle with water and decorate it for fun. Spritz the room with the spray - just like you would for bugs {Wonder Years}
- Give them a flashlight. There are so many fun kids flashlights but you could even use a smaller one to help shine in the corners of the room - it's a fun little toy!
- Tickle your kids! Play tickle monster with your kids - let him be the ONLY monster you know! {Wonder Years}
- Find a cool night light. We have the standard night lights in our kids rooms, but you can find one shaped like a star or there are many character night lights available. We moved one close to the bed and that helped so much!
This TOTally Working for Me post was written by Jolanthe. You can visit Jolanthe at Homeschool Creations and No Ordinary Moments.

2 great books are: There's a Duck in My Closet by John Trent and The Dream Quilt by Celeste Ryan
The Dream Quilt summary: A mother helps her son get over his bad dreams using her old quilt and faith that God will always protect him.
There's A Duck in My Closet: summary: A little boy is afraid of his closet at night until he discovers that a variety of animals live in it and come out at night to play. (its by Thomas Nelson Publishing)
Would you take a look at this .pdf that discusses in detail the advantages of reviewing a book that helps children get over the fear of monsters?
You may find that your readers will find The Monster on Top of the Bed (public web site http://www.MonBed.com) very helpful.
Alan Jordan
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