My mom told me about a little girl at her school who has 'kissing shoes'. Her mom put smiley faces on the inside of sole of each shoe. When the two smiley faces "kiss", she knows her shoes are on the right feet.
It has worked great with my Girlygirl. Now I only needed to ask Girlygirl "Can they kiss?" She knows to check her shoes and it works great since she hates to be wrong. My goal is for her to remember to look and make sure they can kiss before putting them on. Girlygirl is learning and most days she gets it now!
This TOTally Working for Me post was written by Mary. You can visit Mary at A Mom Learning More Everyday. Thanks Mary for the great tip!

It has worked great with my Girlygirl. Now I only needed to ask Girlygirl "Can they kiss?" She knows to check her shoes and it works great since she hates to be wrong. My goal is for her to remember to look and make sure they can kiss before putting them on. Girlygirl is learning and most days she gets it now!
This TOTally Working for Me post was written by Mary. You can visit Mary at A Mom Learning More Everyday. Thanks Mary for the great tip!

That's a great idea! I'll have to try it.
I will definitely have to remember this! Great idea!!!
I used to do this when I taught Pre-K!! (With parent's permission)I drew a pair of lips on the girls shoes and happy faces on the boys shoes. It worked like a dream!!
Thanks for a great idea! I have 3 year old twin boys. One will ask me EVERY time he puts his shoes on if he has them the right way. The other just puts them on the wrong foot and goes on about his day! I will definitely have to do this!!!
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