Today is the start of a really fun day: We will be doing a Weekly Alphabet Post with simple crafts, and lessons to introduce the alphabet. The end result of this fun 26 weeks will be a homemade alphabet book with both a craft page and activity page for each letter! I hope you and your LO's enjoy this!
To kick off this fun new event we will be focusing on the alphabet as a whole with a wonderful book that I think most of us know:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin (there is also a video/dvd out too by scholastic that is great you won't be able to get the song out of your head and your LO's will love it!)
Summary: In a rhythmic alphabet chant, all the letters race one another up the coconut tree. Young readers and their parents can joyfully recite the familiar rhythmic refrain
Some other great Alphabet books:
Eric Carle ABC by Eric Carle
How to Build an A by Sara Midda
Alligator Alphabet by Stella Blackstone
Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
A+ Alphabet books: everything from Pets, Toys, Food you name it he probably made a alphabet book about it:) we really like them!
So go to your library and check out Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and some other great alphabet books and have a Letter Rich week!
Dishwasher/Fridge Coconut Tree:
To kick off this fun new event we will be focusing on the alphabet as a whole with a wonderful book that I think most of us know:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin (there is also a video/dvd out too by scholastic that is great you won't be able to get the song out of your head and your LO's will love it!)
Summary: In a rhythmic alphabet chant, all the letters race one another up the coconut tree. Young readers and their parents can joyfully recite the familiar rhythmic refrain
Some other great Alphabet books:
Eric Carle ABC by Eric Carle
How to Build an A by Sara Midda
Alligator Alphabet by Stella Blackstone
Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
A+ Alphabet books: everything from Pets, Toys, Food you name it he probably made a alphabet book about it:) we really like them!
So go to your library and check out Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and some other great alphabet books and have a Letter Rich week!
Dishwasher/Fridge Coconut Tree:

- Coconut tree printout
- crayons, or markers
- if possible: laminate or have have laminated
- magnetic letters
- tape
To Make:
- Print out and color your coconut tree
- Cut out the coconut tree and laminate (if you can) for extra durabilty
- Tape to your dishwasher or fridge (anything magnetic would work)
- Get out your alphabet magnets
- As you read the book a second time put each letter up the coconut tree

Playdoh Coconut Tree:
- Coconut Tree Printout
- crayons or markers
- big piece of construction paper
- laminate or have laminated
- playdoh
- alphabet cookie cutters
To Make:
- Print out and Color your coconut tree
- Cut out the coconut tree and glue onto big piece of construction paper
- laminate or have laminated for extra durabilty
- Get out your playdoh and alphabet cookie cutters
and play and talk about each letter
Some extra fun throughout the week:
** Read the book everyday before starting each alphabet activity!
- Write the letters on your sidewalk or driveway in a line and have LO hop on them as you say them.
- Play the ABC ZOO game or the Learn your ABC's on FisherPrice.com Toddler Games
- Use foam letters on the bathroom wall during bath time.
- Squirt shaving cream on the dining room table (it will clean that table like you won't believe) and draw letters and let LO draw in the shaving cream its a great fine motor skill activity and a great prewriting activity I did with my toddlers and early 3's they loved it and sometimes they even made letters with out even knowing it!:).
- If you've never seen the Chicka Chicka Tot Book, go here to see if your tot might like it! (it is geared more towards the older tots)
- Visit Starfall to work on ABCs with your tot!
I really need to start making Tot Books. They look like an incredible resource and lots of fun.
We really like Chicka Chicka. We will do make our tree this week!
Oh I am so excited about this!
Thanks for sharing! I look forward to tryin some of these projects
thanks all for the kind comments i hope you have alot of fun with this i know i have!!!
Very fun! I will be following along. I am glad it is spread over the 26 weeks, because as a working mom, its really hard to keep up! Thanks so much.
Also, a cookie sheet, with the tree on it works well with the magnetic letters. It stays flat on the table, they don't loose them, yet they stick. Or, they can lean it up against a wall.
Awesome!!!! You're so talented Ms. Shannon! I can't wait to get started on this new project!
Jillian that is a great idea and it is portable so you could take in other rooms or in the car!
Fun stuff! I always love a good alphabet project!
We have been playing a lot on Starfall lately. The kids are loving it!
another really great site is:
we love it even more then starfall!
not only does it have lots of games for letters but you could do them in english, spanish, german and french too!
I'm so glad you're doing this - and just in time for our 2nd run through the alphabet! I've linked it up to my Alphabet page... http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/03/wfmw-alphabet-approach.html
Great ideas!
Such cute ideas. I love the variety of ways to practice letters (from shaving cream to sidewalk chalk). As a former teacher (turned stay at home mom to four little ones ages 5 and under), I appreciate the use of several teaching techniques that involve gross and fine motor skills. Great ideas. I will definitely keep checking back!
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